Avalon Travel, Inc.

PO Box 371, Pago Pago, American Samoa 96799
23 avis
+684 6995806


Gary.T.Wright (30.09.2017 01:39)
Hi i am in search of an affordable price fare to the states , Arizona pls ... And i really like to know your guys prices thanks
Raymond lasanen. (16.09.2014 05:01)

My name is Raymond lasanen from Michigan Technological University USA. I am basically in charge of all travels logistics

for the University. We would like to consider you as one of our primary travel Agent, based on your profile.

Specifically, we want you to handle parts of our international flight tickets. This means, whenever any of our

international students are embarking on trips, your company will be in-charge to assist us.

In this regard, we would want to set-up an account with your agency, having a username and password.

Please, kindly let us know concerning your readiness and ability to facilitate this process.

Thanks for your time.

We look forward to doing business with you.

Raymond lasanen.

Purchasing Manager
5th Floor First Merit bank Bldg
1400 Townsend Drive
Houghton,MI 49931-1295

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