
Les informations qui peuvent être utiles pour votre voyage.

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Voyage conseils et avertissements Sofia
Tourism According to its motto, SOFIA "grows but does not age": a tribute to the mushrooming suburbs occupied by an estimated one-fifth of Bulgaria's population, and a cryptic reference to its ancient origins. Roman ruins, Byzantine churches and fine mosques attest to a long and colourful history, although the peeling stucco of its early-twentieth-century buildings lends an air of dilapidation to the capital's wide, tree-shaded boulevards.

Sights The Central downtown district is where you will find the major sights of Sofia's long history, ranging from Roman, Byzantine, 20th century and neo-classical Stalinist architecture. This is also the cities business and commercial heart, where the major shopping avenues and entertainment areas are located. Near to the Alexander Nevski Church is the Oborishte district, a charming residential and commercial area, with a fine array of small boutique style shops, galleries and restaurants. Studentski Grad, as the name suggests is home to the majority of Sofia's 16 Universities and as can be expected of such a heavily populated student area, the arts and social scene is particularly bohemian and vibrant. If you want to escape the bright lights of the city and are looking for something more serene, then head out to the Boyana district which is located at the foot of Vitosha Mountain, where you can wander amongst the forested lower slopes and suck in the fresh mountain air.
Shopping Sofia Shopping strives to provide links and resources on online as well as brick and mortar shops throughout the world. We have gathered together the best addresses in Sofia Shopping and not only. Shops featured in our portal sell goods from electronics to household products and the latest in international fashion. So browse through the logos and find a wealth of beauty, style and convenience.

Sofia, Bulgarie

Samedi 5, Octobre

Un article de Wikipédia à propos Sofia

Sofia (en bulgare София) est la capitale de la Bulgarie, au pied du mont Vitocha, non loin du fleuve Iskar.

Elle compte 1, 4 million d'habitants, les Sofiotes, soit 17 % de la population du pays, plaçant Sofia au 7 rang des villes les plus peuplées de l'Union européenne. Sofia est également la 4 plus grande ville des Balkans, apres Istanbul, Athènes et Bucarest. Sofia est à la fois le centre politique et culturel du pays, le principal centre d'échanges ainsi que le premier centre industriel du pays, avec des activités de sidérurgie, de métallurgie, de construction mécanique et de chimie. C'est également un centre universitaire depuis 1888.

La ville occupe une position geostratégique très importante dans la région, ce qui a largement contribué à son expansion démographique.
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