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Photos Funafuti, photographies de divers secteurs Funafuti, téléchargées par les utilisateurs.

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Photos de Funafuti au Panoramio

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au Panoramio
Funafuti lagoon sunset
palm tree at sunset
Falefatu Funamanu Funagogo and Fatato
Funafuti airstrip
WWII bunker
Van Camp Shipwreck
Tuvalu: Fetuvalu High School, Funafuti. October 2005
Papa Elise (Funagogo), Funafuti. Oct. 2005
Swimming off Amatuku, Funafuti. 2006
Passing an atoll: Funafuti (look close!)
Mysterious Manmade Structure, Fualifeke Islet, Funafuti 2009
Garbage Dump, Funafuti, Tuvalu 2009
Funafuti narrow path
Panoramic - Funafuti Lagoon Tuvalu
2° world war tank
Tuvalu main wharf
Funafuti lagoon coast
Vaiaku cemetery
Funafuti Shipwreck - Barge
Tuvalu: Fogafale by-pass, Funafuti. October 2005
Mainaga Fou Church. October 2005
Tuvalu: Storm arriving at Funafuti. October, 2005
Tuvalu Sports Ground, Funafuti. 2005
Tuvalu: Old seaplane hangar, Funafuti. October 2005
Van Camp shipwreck, Funafuti. 2006
Sunset and Cloud, Funafuti Lagoon. 2006
A beach
View from the lagoon, Funafuti. 2006
The road after high tide
Rainbow over the lagoon
Funafuti International Airport 2008
Beach View, Fualifeke Islet, Funafuti 2009
the Best Place for a Nap, Funafuti, Tuvalu 2007
Mulitefala Islet, Funafuti, TUVALU
Government Office Building of Tuvalu 2006
Mateika on Funafuti
Vaiaku street
Funafuti ocean side
Bus Stop near Alapi on Fogafale, October 2005
Fogafale, Funafuti, looking towards the Prime Minister's and Govenor General's Residences, October 2005
Vaiaku Lagi Hotel on the lagoon, Funafuti. October 2005
Public Works Department, Funafuti. October 2005
Solar Power Generating System, Funafuti, Tuvalu 2008
Sunrise to the Runway, Funafuti, May 2009

Photos provided by Panoramio. Photos are under the copyright of their owners.