
Les informations qui peuvent être utiles pour votre voyage.

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Photos de Hanoi au Panoramio
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Voyage conseils et avertissements Hanoi
Tourisme Situé sur les rives d'un fleuve puissant, la rivière Rouge, Hanoi a servi au Vietnam comme sa capitale depuis plus de mille ans. La charmante ville a subi de nombreuses influences étrangères et préserve l'impact culturel de toutes ces conquêtes. La culture est donc devenue variée et fait pour un sujet très intéressant d'étudier. Initialement dévastée par la guerre, le Vietnam est devenu accessible aux touristes from1989 et plus après cela, que des mesures ont été prises pour développer la nation d'Asie du Sud comme une destination touristique exotique. Tourisme pour tous les pays est importante car elle ouvre des perspectives d'une économie forte ainsi que la construction de nouvelles relations. La beauté géographique ainsi que l'origine ethnique culturelle a attiré un grand nombre de touristes vers cette destination merveilleuse île.
Cultura For many years, Vietnam formed part of the French colony of Indochina, along with Cambodia and Laos. In 1941, the Japanese occupied Vietnam during their WWII sweep through South East Asia. The resistance to the Japanese was led by the Indochinese Communist Party.
Communist revolutionary Ho Chi Minh established the Viet Minh during WWII to gain independence from France. Fighting continued until 1954 when the French surrendered to the Viet Minh at Dien Bien Phu and Hanoi became the capital of North Vietnam. But Ho Chi Minh was determined to reunite the whole country.
The USA came to the support of South Vietnam, and full-scale war broke out in 1965. The Americans withdrew in 1973, and fighting continued until 1975 when Saigon fell to North Vietnamese troops. Vietnam was reunited under Hanoi and communist rule the following year.
For many years after the war, Hanoi had a reputation as an austere city, unwelcoming to visitors. Life was hard for the residents as the city and country rebuilt itself. Hanoi had been continuously bombed by the Americans throughout the Vietnam War, but with the lifting of the American trade embargo in 1994 and the reinstatement of diplomatic relations the following year, Hanoi cautiously embraced economic reform, helped by the instinctive entrepreneurism of its residents.
Shopping If you're particularly enthusiastic about quality textiles, clothes and handicrafts, shopping in Hanoi will not disappoint.
The city also has a good range of day and night markets, both indoors and outdoors and you'll find that night markets are more of a social than shopping occasion but that doesn't preclude finding bargains at night.
There's a good arts scene alive in Hanoi and let's face it; in a city this size with a shopaholic population you're going to find a lot to buy but under less stressful conditions than frenetic Ho Chi Minh City.

Hanoi, Viêt Nam

Samedi 20, Avril

Un article de Wikipédia à propos Hanoi

Hanoï (en vietnamien Hà Nội, c'est-à-dire « la ville au-delà du fleuve » ; Chữ nho : 河内) est la capitale du Viêt Nam, située sur le delta du fleuve Rouge (Sông Hồng) qui charrie ses eaux boueuses vers le golfe du Tonkin. En 2004, sa population est estimée à plus de trois millions d'habitants, qui reste toujours le poumon économique du pays.
Description above from the Wikipedia, licensed under CC-BY-SA full list of contributors here.